Undercarriage Maintenance
Avoid unplanned downtime by spotting problems early
- Schedule inspections at regular intervals
- Don't delay repairs or replacements on undercarriage components
- Install CELT to increase wear life
Wilson Equipment's technicians are trained to identify undercarriage problems before major repairs are required. By measuring the thickness of the undercarriage components, our technicians can predict how long your undercarriage will last before replacements are needed. During preventive maintenance service, we include undercarriage evaluations at no charge.
When a component does need to be replaced, our factory trained technicians will install your new parts quickly and correctly, either in our shops or at your jobsite. When the job is done, our technicians will correctly tension your tracks to avoid excessive wear. Additionally, our CASE Extended Life Track could more than double the life of your existing standard lubricated track, saving you future headaches.